Do you think Muslim women are stupid because they cover their head? Why?

Suzan, Faculty of Commerce, Al Azhar University


  1. I do not think Muslim women who cover their head are stupid. I think that women who cover themselves want to keep their bodies private.
    Sansa Morse, Tucson, Arizona

  2. Everyone are free to do anything in this life. From this consideration i think wearing scarf or not is special desier to every woman either wearing it in the name of divine or any other aim. I can tell to those people who consider women stupied because this scarf, there is no relation between the degree of intelegence and speciel desire.

    Eman Refaat Taha

  3. I don't think wearing a head scarf has anything got to do with stupidity. It is different culture and customs and we can's judge other culture or customs based on different cultural view.

  4. I don't think that Muslim women are stupid for any reason, including covering their head. Many Americans or Westerners may not agree with the head scarfs, or understand them, but that doesn't mean that we think anyone is stupid for it. We all come from different cultures and I think that most people understand that. I personally respect women for following their culture and don't think of them any differently for wearing the head scarf or not wearing the head scarf. What people wear and what their culture requires them to wear is their business, not mine.
